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Your #1 Source For Online Coaching

I believe living a healthy lifestyle begins with a change in mindset.  We get results! Point blank, period. We even GUARANTEE them. But this isn't about results, this is about making you the best possible version of YOU by creating MASSIVE discipline and ACTION while SMASHING limiting beliefs. So you can be a better parent, spouse, citizen, business owner, employee, and overall human being. 

 You are one step away from changing your life!  Join our community. What are you waiting for?



Men's Shred

We're looking for 20 men who want to get completely shredded and sky-rocket their metabolism by eating MORE food and still drinking their favorite whiskey🥃



Metabolic AF (As Female)

We're taking on 5 women who want to lose 15+ pounds and sky-rocket their energy without cutting out  🍪🍷🍕, going to the gym, or counting another calorie again!

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What We Do
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World Class Online Coaching

Training, nutrition, accountability, and mindset coaching. We provide you with coaching that provides you with the support and guidance you need to achieve your success. We know that no person can do this alone and that it is through a village, our village that we can help you reach your goals.

Meal Plans + Custom Macros

Your results will be 80% nutrition. However, this program is much more than results. Our goal is to make you so disciplined and purposeful with your diet it creates discipline and freedom in ALL aspects of your life! What are you waiting for?

Book your transformation today!


Customized Training

Whether we're creating you custom programs to do on your own and/or you join our 60min LIVE Zoom sessions, we got you covered. This WILL NOT be a walk in the park. Get ready to work. We will push you so far out of your comfort zone, the rest of your day will seem like a cake-walk.

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"DC Fitness changed my life!  I joined because I had tried everything, and nothing worked.  This program not only got me amazing physical results but gave me incredible life tools Their program has given me a lifestyle that I can  maintain.  They have the most AMAZING coaches!"

Lindsey M, Westlake Village, CA

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"I've lost over 90 pounds with DC Fitness. During a pandemic. If I can do it you definitely can!"

Sean A., Big Sur, CA

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