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how my clients stay lean on family vacations


"I'm going to eat healthy and workout everyday on this vacation!"

You start out with a healthy egg white omelette at the restaurant at your hotel.

The husbands go golfing, so you and your girlfriends decide to hit the pool.

"Can we get a round of margaritas???" your friend asks the waiter.

"I'm ok, I don't really want one." Your friend peer pressures you, and two more margaritas later you're feeling yourself!

Not having eaten for hours you order fries to soak up all the booze you just drank and to even you out.

"Fuck it, I'll just start my diet when I get back, this is too hard."

Maybe you can relate?

Staying lean on family vacations doesn't mean restricting yourself.

It doesn't mean working out for 2 hours per day.

It doesn't mean staying a sober buzzkill.

What does it mean?


I'm going to walk you thru how my client Lisa stays lean AF on vacation:

1️⃣ Hit the grocery store right before you leave or once you arrive at your destination (or use Instacart)

2️⃣ Stock up on things like instant oatmeal, protein bars, a small baggie of protein powder, yogurts, deli meat, low calorie bread, cheese, rice cakes, baby carrots, bananas, and apples.

3️⃣ Ask for a fridge to be sent up to your room (9/10 hotels will have them available).

4️⃣ Typically, Lisa eats 1-2 meals/day out at a restaurant on a vacation. Every other meal is in her room or something she can take while walking around.

5️⃣ For meals out, she finds the nearest measurement in My Fitness Pal by using a generic chain restaurant as her reference so she can make sure she hits her calorie target. For example, if she's having lasagna at an Italian restaurant, she'll find the Lasagna input on My Fitness Pal from "Olive Garden."

6️⃣ She plans out her drinks and meals out ahead of time so she's not scrambling once her day starts

Don't overthink it! Keep it simple. Have a game plan and learn from every family vacation on how you could do better. YOU got this!

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